

Between thin and airy silk,  the shadow of  countless fishes  floating...it makes forget  today's scorching sun & heavy humidity.
These beautiful goldfishes are painted for the anniversary exhibition "hagoromo goldfish" by Ryusuke Fukahori at matohu flagship shop.   Mr. Fukahori is generally known by one video called "Goldfish Salvation".  As this video, the most famous his work is goldfish which is drawn with amazing 3D-technic in clear resin pour into wooden boxes.
These creations has known as confined pieces of traditional Japanese image, giving the impression of a very ephemeral beauty and surprise.  But  in this exhibition, his goldfishes are swiming fantastically in the very thin silk...its new sight of his work.

matofu 表参道本店にて開かれていた「天魚の羽衣」展、またも最終日にすべりこみ。炎天下の焼けるような陽射しや、じっとり重たい夏の空気を一瞬忘れるような、ひんやりとした空気が会場を包んでいました。

升や猪口を器に、水に見立てたクリアレジンを流しこみ、そこに鮮やかでリアルな金魚を出現させる美術作家の深堀隆介氏。制作風景を動画にした「Goldfish Salvation (金魚救い) 」で広く知られる彼の「金魚」シリーズが、東コレでもオリジナリティを放つmatofuの旗艦店に展示されるとあって、これはぜひ見てみたいと思っていたのです。
